Little Shop City Lights [h33t] [oi812heet]
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Little Shop - City Lights [h33t] [oi812heet]
Turn your little shop into a big city success in this hidden object game from the creators of Little Shop of Treasures! Earn enough big city experience to renovate a run-down theater by helping shoppers in a variety of all-new locations including an Espresso Shop, Newsstand, and Spa. Each destination is a vivid scene of cleverly hidden objects for you to find. With trophies for excellent play, an all-new Bonus Round and loads of new surprises, Little Shop - City Lights is fun for the entire family!
System Requirements:
OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista Memory: 128 MB CPU: P800
1. Install the game
2. Play the game.
If you are running Windows Vista, to play game after you've installded it, you must right click on shortcut or exe. and run as administrator
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